Results for 'Stanley Bernard Kaufman'

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  1.  50
    Life, Death, and Meaning: Key Philosophical Readings on the Big Questions.Margaret A. Boden, Richard B. Brandt, Peter Caldwell, Fred Feldman, John Martin Fischer, Richard Hare, David Hume, W. D. Joske, Immanuel Kant, Frederick Kaufman, James Lenman, John Leslie, Steven Luper-Foy, Michaelis Michael, Thomas Nagel, Robert Nozick, Derek Parfit, George Pitcher, Stephen E. Rosenbaum, David Schmidtz, Arthur Schopenhauer, David B. Suits, Richard Taylor & Bernard Williams - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Do our lives have meaning? Should we create more people? Is death bad? Should we commit suicide? Would it be better if we were immortal? Should we be optimistic or pessimistic? Life, Death, and Meaning brings together key readings, primarily by English-speaking philosophers, on such 'big questions.'.
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    The Collected Works of Leo Szilard. Volume I: Scientific Papers. Bernard T. Feld, Gertrud Weiss Szilard.Stanley Goldberg - 1974 - Isis 65 (3):425-426.
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    The Surprising Creativity of Digital Evolution: A Collection of Anecdotes From the Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life Research Communities.Joel Lehman, Jeff Clune, Dusan Misevic, Christoph Adami, Julie Beaulieu, Peter Bentley, Bernard J., Belson Samuel, Bryson Guillaume, M. David, Nick Cheney, Antoine Cully, Stephane Donciuex, Fred Dyer, Ellefsen C., Feldt Kai Olav, Fischer Robert, Forrest Stephan, Frénoy Stephanie, Gagneé Antoine, Goff Christian, Grabowski Leni Le, M. Laura, Babak Hodjat, Laurent Keller, Carole Knibbe, Peter Krcah, Richard Lenski, Lipson E., MacCurdy Hod, Maestre Robert, Miikkulainen Carlos, Mitri Risto, Moriarty Sara, E. David, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Anh Nguyen, Charles Ofria, Marc Parizeau, David Parsons, Robert Pennock, Punch T., F. William, Thomas Ray, Schoenauer S., Shulte Marc, Sims Eric, Stanley Karl, O. Kenneth, Fran\C. Cois Taddei, Danesh Tarapore, Simon Thibault, Westley Weimer, Richard Watson & Jason Yosinksi - 2018 - CoRR.
    Biological evolution provides a creative fount of complex and subtle adaptations, often surprising the scientists who discover them. However, because evolution is an algorithmic process that transcends the substrate in which it occurs, evolution’s creativity is not limited to nature. Indeed, many researchers in the field of digital evolution have observed their evolving algorithms and organisms subverting their intentions, exposing unrecognized bugs in their code, producing unexpected adaptations, or exhibiting outcomes uncannily convergent with ones in nature. Such stories routinely reveal (...)
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    The irresponsibility of american social scientists.Arnold S. Kaufman - 1960 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 3 (1-4):102 – 117.
    The arguments contained in books criticizing American social scientists by C. Wright Mills ( The Sociological Imagination) and Bernard Crick (The Science of American Politics) are discussed, compared and criticized. It is argued that Mills' criteria of evaluation and constructive alternatives to the tendencies he criticizes are immeasurably sounder than those found in Crick's book. An effort to supplement Mills' argument by providing a more explicit statement of its moral underpinnings is made. Finally, it is argued that though both (...)
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    Voices in American Education: Conversations with Patricia Biehl, Derek Bok, Daniel Callahan, Robert Coles, Edwin Dorn, Georgie Anne Geyer, Henry Giroux, Ralph Ketcham, Christopher Lasch, Elizabeth Minnich, Frank Newman, Robert Payton, Douglas Sloan, Manfred Stanley.Bernard Murchland - 1990 - Prakken Publication.
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    Ethics in Medicine: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Concerns.Stanley Joel Reiser, Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics Arthur J. Dyck, Arthur J. Dyck & William J. Curran - 1977 - Cambridge: Mass. : MIT Press.
    This book is a comprehensive and unique text and reference in medical ethics. By far the most inclusive set of primary documents and articles in the field ever published, it contains over 100 selections. Virtually all pieces appear in their entirety, and a significant number would be difficult to obtain elsewhere. The volume draws upon the literature of history, medicine, philosophical and religious ethics, economics, and sociology. A wide range of topics and issues are covered, such as law and medicine, (...)
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    The Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital Computer, with Special Reference to the "EDSAC" and the Use of a Library of Subroutines. Maurice V. Wilkes, David J. Wheeler, Stanley Gill. [REVIEW]Bernard Williams - 1986 - Isis 77 (1):157-157.
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    What is Fiction For?: Literary Humanism Restored.Bernard Harrison - 2014 - Indiana University Press.
    How can literature, which consists of nothing more than the description of imaginary events and situations, offer any insight into the workings of "human reality" or "the human condition"? Can mere words illuminate something that we call "reality"? Bernard Harrison answers these questions in this profoundly original work that seeks to re-enfranchise reality in the realms of art and discourse. In an ambitious account of the relationship between literature and cognition, he seeks to show how literary fiction, by deploying (...)
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    Friedrich Schlegel and the character of romantic ethics.Benjamin D. Crowe - 2010 - The Journal of Ethics 14 (1):53 - 79.
    Recent years have witnessed a rehabilitation of early German Romanticism in philosophy, including a renewed interest in Romantic ethics. Friedrich Schlegel (1772–1829) is acknowledged as a key figure in this movement. While significant work has been done on some aspects of his thought, his views on ethics have been surprisingly overlooked. This essay aims to redress this shortcoming in the literature by examining the core themes of Schlegel’s ethics during the early phase of his career (1793–1801). I argue that Schlegel’s (...)
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  10. Morality as Reasoning About the Concept of Man.Stanley Malinovich - 1967 - Dissertation, New York University
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    Arts, Inc.: How Greed and Neglect Have Destroyed Our Cultural Rights.Stanley N. Katz - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (2):212-213.
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    Reward and reward omission: Time-dependent aftereffects in rats and fish.Stanley R. Scobie, Dennis C. Gold & Daniel Fallon - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (6):452-454.
  13. The Role of Eros in Plato's "Republic".Stanley Rosen - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (3):452-475.
    The first part of my hypothesis, then, is simple enough, and would be accepted in principle by most students of Plato: the dramatic structure of the dialogues is an essential part of their philosophical meaning. With respect to the poetic and mathematical aspects of philosophy, we may distinguish three general kinds of dialogue. For example, consider the Sophist and Statesman, where Socrates is virtually silent: the principal interlocutors are mathematicians and an Eleatic Stranger, a student of Parmenides, although one who (...)
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  14. Anti-Theory in Ethics.Stanley G. Clarke - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (3):237 - 244.
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    Philosophy In France.Stanley V. Keeling - 1928 - Philosophy 3 (11):357-361.
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    The Allegory of Love and Fortune.Stanley J. Kozikowski - 1980 - Renascence 32 (2):105-115.
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  17. Anomalous Experiences and Dreams.Stanley Krippner - 2007 - In Deirdre Barrett & Patrick McNamara, The New Science of Dreaming. Praeger Publishers. pp. 2--285.
  18.  28
    Constructing A Model of Espiritista Healing in the Philippines.Stanley Krippner - 2004 - Anthropology of Consciousness 15 (1):42-51.
    A conference sponsored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health in 1995 proposed 13 categories by which alternative and complementary medical systems could be described. This model was applied to Filipino Christian Spiritist (Espiritista) Healing, a folk healing system that dates back hundred of years. This system was found to match each of the model's categories, providing a framework in which future research projects could be designed. The utility of this model speaks well for the sophistication of Espiritista healing, even (...)
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    Encounter with a Wizard.Stanley Krippner - 2013 - World Futures 69 (4-6):290 - 310.
    (2013). Encounter with a Wizard. World Futures: Vol. 69, The Complexity of Life and Lives of Complexity, pp. 290-310.
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  20. Jim Morrison: la caída de un chamán urbano.Stanley Krippner - forthcoming - Krisis.
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    Commentary on The Stoic Conception of Mental Disorder.Stanley A. Leavy - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (4):295-296.
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    (1 other version)Descartes' 'demonstrations' of his existence.Stanley Tweyman - 1985 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):101-107.
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    Produire sa vie et son histoire: résonances philosophiques.Bernard Honoré - 2016 - Lyon: Chronique sociale.
    Un ouvrage de Gaston Pineau, intitulé Produire sa vie. Autoformation et autobiographie a mis Bernard Honoré en chemin d'une réflexion sur le double enracinement de la formation en soi-même (autoformation) et hors de soi, par les autres et par l'environnement (hétéroformation). Ce chemin l'a amené à voir dans les histoires de vie un important courant de recherche méthodologique dans la découverte du sens de la formation en ses diverses pratiques. Puisse ce livre amener le lecteur sur une voie réflexive (...)
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    The Centrality of Normative Ethical Theory.Bernard Rosen - 1999 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    Bernard Rosen argues Mill's critics and supporters address one level or another, often without noting which one it is. The positions of important ethical theorists who have been influenced by, or who criticize Mill are presented."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Panser la mort: la mort, le médecin et le citoyen.Bernard Sportès - 2023 - [Montreuil]: Le Temps des cerises.
    À l'heure où le débat sur la fin de vie resurgit, Bernard Sportès nous ouvre de nouveaux horizons, dépasse les arguments simplistes et nous aide à comprendre tabous et angoisses. Son analyse, ancrée dans son expérience des fins de vie, nous rappelle que cet accompagnement ultime doit bien rester un soin. Sa vision humaniste se refuse à ces morts administrées selon des critères médicaux prédéfinis, auxquelles il oppose une mort accompagnée, assistée jusqu'aux derniers instants. Cette proposition, nouvelle dans ce (...)
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  26.  18
    Sur la seconde cause naturelle de l'art poétique chez Aristote.Bernard Sève - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet article a déjà paru dans les Cahiers philosophiques, mars 2000, n° 82, p. 5-22, puis de nouveau dans un numéro hors-série consacré au « Plaisir », 2012, p. 7-21. Nous remercions les Cahiers et Bernard Sève de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Le chapitre 4 de la Poétique indique, dès sa première phrase, que l'art poétique doit sa naissance « à deux causes, toutes deux naturelles ». La première cause est immédiatement précisée et analysée : il (...)
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    Something out of the Ordinary.Stanley Cavell - 1997 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71 (2):23 - 37.
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    Sources of Shang History, The Oracle-Bone Inscriptions of Bronze Age China.Stanley L. Mickel & David N. Keightley - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (3):572.
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    World of Berossos. Edited by Johannes Haubold; Giovanni B. LanfranchI; Robert Rollinger; and John Steele.Stanley M. Burstein - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1).
    The World of Berossos. Edited by Johannes Haubold; Giovanni B. LanfranchI; Robert Rollinger; and John Steele. Classica et Orientalia, vol. 5. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013. Pp. 332. €58.
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  30. Dostępność późnej filozofii Wittgensteina.Stanley Cavell - 2008 - Principia 50.
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  31. Antonin Scalia, Bernhard Schlink, and Lancelot Andrewes : reading Heller.Stanley Fish - 2019 - In Peter Goodrich & Michel Rosenfeld, Administering Interpretation: Derrida, Agamben, and the Political Theology of Law. New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
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    Forecasting theory: problems and exemplars in the twenty-first century.Stanley R. Barrett - 1999 - In E. L. Cerroni-Long, Anthropological theory in North America. Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey. pp. 255.
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    Quantum stochastic processes.Stanley Gudder - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (11):1345-1363.
    We first define a class of processes which we call regular quantum Markov processes. We next prove some basic results concerning such processes. A method is given for constructing quantum Markov processes using transition amplitude kernels. Finally we show that the Feynman path integral formalism can be clarified by approximating it with a quantum stochastic process.
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  34. Foundations for the Study of American Rhapsody.Stanley D. Harrison - 1999 - Dissertation, University of Rhode Island
    Because English faculty are the ones most commonly trusted with the historic, aesthetic, and ideological study of verbally based art forms, they are the ones who will ultimately decide the fate of studies in American phonographic rhapsody . Thus, it is a significant problem that English faculty neither study American rhapsody nor receive training in the art and science of analytic listening, a prerequisite to the successful study of U.S. recorded poetic sound art. More importantly, they have failed to develop (...)
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  35. Excellence is by no means enough: Intellectual philanthropy and the just university.Stanley N. Katz - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (3):427-438.
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    Heidegger and Death: A Critical Evaluation, by Paul Edwards.Stanley Paluch - 1985 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 16 (1):99-100.
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  37. (1 other version)Ideas.Stanley H. Rosen - 1960 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 41 (3):362.
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  38. The Spell of Linguistic Philosophy Bryan Magee Talked to Bernard Williams.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    Aging and amnesia: A running span analysis.Stanley R. Parkinson - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (4):215-217.
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    The Theory of Public Law in Germany 1914–1945.Stanley L. Paulson - 2005 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 25 (3):525-545.
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    Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality.Stanley Shostak - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (4):527-528.
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    Plato’s Camera: How the Physical Brain Captures a Landscape of Abstract Universals.Stanley Shostak - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (5-6):621-622.
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    Three Big Bangs: Matter-Energy, Life, Mind. By Holmes Rolston III.Stanley Shostak - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (6):851-852.
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    Note on the ancient sites in the area occupied by the British Salonika Force during the campaign 1916-1918.Stanley Casson - 1916 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 40 (1):293-297.
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    A propos d'une difficulte logique dans l'argument de Cleanthe.Stanley Tweyman - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (1):69-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:69. A PROPOS D'UNE DIFFICULTE LOGIQUE DANS L'ARGUMENT DE CLEANTHE L'argument de Cléanthe ("the Argument from Design", c'est-à-dire la preuve de Dieu par le dessein du monde) se fonde sur le principe que "des effets semblables prouvent des causes semblables" pour montrer que la ressemblance entre le dessein du monde et le dessein des machines amène la conclusion que la cause du dessein du monde ressemble à l'intelligence humaine. (...)
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  46. Descartes' syllogistic proof of his existence and the cogito.Stanley Tweyman - 2003 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 38 (82):109-120.
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    Hume on natural religion.Stanley Tweyman (ed.) - 1996 - Dulles, Va.: Thoemmes Press.
    This vol. addresses Hume's books Dialogues concerning religion and The natural history of religion, as well as several of his essays.
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    Order and History.Stanley Rosen - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (2):257 - 276.
    Eric Voegelin's new study of Greek civilization, part of his continuing study of Order and History, contains elements of both such approaches to antiquity. In briefest compass, it is Voegelin's contention that order in history depends upon the recognition of the transcendental source of order; disorder is engendered by the "immanentization" of this source. Nevertheless, the transcendental source of order, the Christian God, is experienced within history, and civilizations are evaluated in terms of their anticipation of, approach to, or withdrawal (...)
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  49.  14
    The examined life: readings from Western philosophy from Plato to Kant.Stanley Rosen (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Random House.
    What did Plato contribute to the philosophy of art? What do Pascal's Pensees really say? Everyone knows the names of these philosophers, but few really understand the ideas at the core of western philosophy. In this treasury of western thought, the primary sources speak for themselves. Over 35 excerpts from important philosophers -- including Aristotle and Hume, as well as contemporary thinkers -- offer a solid introduction to philosophy for the curious reader. Leading scholars have carefully chosen the selections, which (...)
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    The Case of the Student Left.Stanley Rothman & S. Lichter - 1978 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 45.
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